Specializing in one
AKC, Non-Shedding
Toy Breed that Adores Children.
Just Jubilant Havanese
Jubilant best describes our Havanese:
(happy & bouncy, feeling/expressing great happiness and triumph)
Just Jubilant Havanese is owned and operated by Linda Justason, along with the assistance of my family to ensure that each puppy along with their Momma and Daddy receives the utmost quality in their health, exercise and TLC. Our children's love for the puppies also plays an important role in ensuring much socialization. I am a stay at home Mom/Housewife and absolutely enjoy raising & placing these adorable little puppies into your homes to give you and your families many years of joy, entertainment & companionship.
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We Only Raise Quality,
Health Tested, Purebred
AKC Havanese Puppies (Toy Breed).
Havanese make Wonderful,
(Well Balance, Extremely Loving
Family Dogs) As puppies they adapt
very well to their new family, including
most of the other pets that may already
reside there. They enjoy play time with
children as much as children do with them,
the interaction is incredible.
Havanese also enjoy lap time, and their silky,
(bunny-so-soft, fluffy) hair coat makes
snuggle-time soooo inviting. They are
extremely intelligent and eager to please,
which helps out tremendously in the
house-breaking/training process.
Being a Non-Shedding breed, is only a major
plus to the many, many wonderful qualities
of the Havanese Breed.

Our puppies are placed directly
from our home to yours.
We do not sell to brokers or pet stores.